Night of the Living Dead 3D (2006)

Night of the Living Dead 3D
(2006) 80 Min.
Rated: R (Sex and gore)
Country: USA
Director: Jeff Broadstreet
Starring: Sid Haig, Brianna Brown, Joshua DesRoches
Links: IMDB | Wikipedia
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

It’s in 3D!!

A remake of Night of the Living Dead that didn’t have to be made, and is far worse than the original or even the 1990 remake by Tom Savini.

The novelty wears off quickly.

Barb and Johnny arrive late for their aunt’s funeral. They find zombies at the cemetery. This prompts Johnny to drive off and leave Barb behind. Barb flees and gets rescued by Ben, just your average white college student.

The two of them are able to seek refuge in the Cooper farm house. The Coopers are unaware that there is a zombie epidemic taking place, despite the fact that several members of the family are watching Night of the Living Dead. They are secretly growing pot and therefore cannot call the police to help them.

Really, movie??

Basically, one by one the farm hands and the family are eaten by zombies. Only Ben, Barb and the mortician, Gerald Tovar, Jr. (Haig), are left alive.

They try to make a break for safety. After reaching Tovar’s house, he knocks out Ben and reveals that he was the one who created the zombies. He has also raised his dead father on his own blood. They set the house on fire, killing the dad zombie. Tovar escapes and plans to have Barb reborn as a zombie, but she is able to throw him to a pack of zombies. Ben, meanwhile gets impaled on a tire iron and turns into a zombie.

Barb uses the last bullet in the gun to kill him, but her fate remains uncertain as the movie ends as a pack of zombies break through the gate.

How high would you have to be to like this?

I totally understand that the entire reason this movie was made was because 1.) ZOMBIES!!!! and 2.) ZOMBIES… IN 3D!!! But it begs the question why they couldn’t come up with an entirely new plot and movie franchise, instead of basically remaking a film that had already been re-made.

Not only is it vastly different, it takes out all of the social commentary, any tension and drama is gone, it makes pot jokes. Tom and Judy exist solely to have sex in a barn and be eaten by zombies. Johnny is an even bigger asshole and leaves Barb to die. Ben is a white college student/drug dealer. New Character!Tovar is now the sole reason zombies exist in this world.

It will appeal to people who don’t care about plot and just want to see zombies and think 3D is cool. The 3D bullet animations were hilarious and bad. This movie was so useless it hurt.