Freddy vs. Jason
(2003) 97 Min.
Rated: R (Gore, nudity, sex)
Country: USA
Director: Ronny Yu
Stars: Robert Englund, Ken Kirzinger, Monica Keena, Kelly Rowland, Jason Ritter
Links: IMDB | Wikipedia
Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Freddy tricks Jason Vorhees into helping him manifest on Elm Street again, then tries to get rid of him.
In Hell, Freddy Krueger (Englund) devises a plan to return to Elm Street and begin murdering teens again. The teens of Springwood have forgotten about him and therefore don’t fear him, rendering him powerless. He decides to trick Jason Vorhees (Kirzinger) by appearing in his dreams as Jason’s mom, Mrs. Vorhees. Mrs. Vorhees directs Jason to kill the kids in Springwood.
Meanwhile, in Springwood, Lori Campbell (Keena) is a more reserved girl compared to her friends Kia (Rowland), Gibb, Trey, and Blake. Her widowed father is away and the teens are staying at Lori’s house. Lori is still in love with her boyfriend Will who mysteriously vanished from her life. During that night, Jason kills Trey after he and his girlfriend Gibb have sex. Gibb sees his body, screams, and everyone runs out of the house terrified.

The police suspect it’s the work of Freddy Krueger, but the chief doesn’t want to alarm everyone or jump to conclusions. They question Lori about her dreams and she remembers the name Freddy.
Blake has a fight with his father, vows to kill whoever murdered him and falls asleep. He has a nightmare with Freddy and awakens to find his father beheaded. As the head lands in his hands, Jason kills Blake too.
At Westin Hills Psychiatric Hospital, Will Rollins (Ritter) and his friend Mark Davis see a news report with Lori and a murder. Will and Mark plan an escape. Mark starts a ruckus and steals a guards key as they subdue him. Will and Mark escape the institute that night.

The teens discuss Freddy Krueger. Will and Mark go to the school and meet with Lori and her group. After Lori sees Will she faints from exhaustion. While in the infirmary waiting room, Kia has a dream about Freddy but awakes unharmed.
That night everyone from school meets up at a rave in a cornfield. A drunken Gibb collapses in the cornfield and is chased by Freddy in a dream. Just as he’s about to kill her, Jason kills her in the real world. At this point Freddy feels that Jason has outgrown his usefulness. Jason gets lit on fire by a teen and continues to terrorize the entire party, killing teens left and right.

Lori and her group escape. Lori’s father and Will have a fight as Will believes he saw her dad kill Lori’s mother. He also feels that Lori’s father sent him to the hospital. Lori and Will head off to Mark’s house. As they reach his house they get to witness Mark getting killed by Freddy. Freddy sears the words “Freddy’s Back” into Mark’s back.

Lori, Will, Kia meetup with classmates Linderman and Freeburg. They realize that they’re being chased by both Jason and Freddy. They hatch a plan to use the experimental drug Hypnocil so that they will be able to sleep and not have nightmares.
They get into Westin Hills. Freddy possesses the body of Freeburg and gets rid of all the Hypnocil in the building. He then gets tranquilizer and injects it into Jason as Jason comes to attack Freeburg. Freeburg is slashed in half while still possessed and dies. Jason passes out.
The group have Jason tied in the back of their van as they drive to Crystal Lake. Meanwhile, Jason and Freddy are battling in Jason’s dream. Lori plans to fall asleep and bring back Freddy with her to battle in the real world. In the dream, Freddy realizes Jason won’t attack through waterfalls so he surrounds him with water. Jason turns into his child form and Freddy digs into his mind.

At this time Lori falls asleep and enters a dream where she sees Jason as a child being tossed into the lake by other children bullying him. She attempts to save him but Freddy holds him under the water. Back in the van, Kianotices water coming out of Jason’s mouth and believes he’s drowning.

Just ask Kia is about to do CPR on Jason, he wakes up. This causes chaos in the van and it crashes, throwing Jason out of the van. This causes the dream Jason to vanish and Freddy gets angry and attempts to attack Lori. Her watch beeps and she latches onto Freddy, hoping to wake up and bring him with her into the regular world.
While she’s asleep, Lori’s friends carry her body to a nearby cabin by Crystal Lake. She is not waking up. In her dream she sees that Freddy killed her mom, not her father.
Jason enters the cabin and knocks over a jerry can of gasoline. It lights on fire and suddenly much of the cabin is ablaze. Jason throws Kia and Linderman against the wall. The latter sustaining a life threatening injury. Lori’s arm gets burned and she wakes up while holding onto Freddy.

Jason becomes distracted by Freddy and the two fight as all of the teens escape the cabin. Linderman dies of his wounds in the woods.
Freddy attempts to attack Lori and Will, but Kia tries to distract him. Jason tosses Kia against a tree and kills her. Freddy and Jason endure a long battle and they make their way out to the pier on Crystal Lake. Lori and Will throw gas on the pier and light the place on fire as well as cause several explosions.
After a large explosion, Freddy and Jason are tossed into the lake. Will and Lori climb onto the pier and rest. Freddy approaches them holding Jason’s machete and is about to kill them with it, when Jason appears and shoves Freddy’s sharp finger blades through his own body. Jason collapses into the water and Lori takes the opportunity to behead a stunned Freddy. She drops the machete into the water near Jason. She and Will escape Crystal Lake.

In a last sequence, Jason rises from the waters of Crystal Lake carrying the head of Freddy who winks at the camera.
So originally Freddy did not need fear to manifest in people’s dreams. That’s on of many of the nagging rule breaks in this movie.