The Purge (2013)

The Purge
(2013) 85 Min.
Rated: R (gore)
Country: USA
Director: James DeMonaco
Starring: Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey
Links: IMDB | Wikipedia
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

The Purge

One night a year violent behavior is allowed for 12 hours. The family of a security system salesman takes in a Purge refugee and attracts the attention of his pursuers.

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The Lords of Salem (2012)

The Lords of Salem
(2012) 101 min.
Rated: R (nudity, mild gore, sexual themes)
Country: USA / UK / Canada
Director: Rob Zombie
Starring: Sheri Moon Zombie, Bruce Davison, Judy Geeson, Meg Foster, Jeff Daniel Phillips
Links: IMDB | Wikipedia
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

The Lords of Salem

Salem’s rock DJ named Heidi is given a mysterious record, which plays a song from a group called the Lords.

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V/H/S (2012)

(2012) 116 min.
Rated: R (Nudity, Sex, Gory violence, drug use)
Country: USA
Director: Adam Wingard, David Bruckner, Ti West, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swanberg, Radio Silence
Starring: Joe Swanberg, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Chad Villella
Links: IMDB | Wikipedia
Rating: ★★★★☆


A found footage anthology framed around the playing of VHS tapes.

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Let’s Scare Jessica to Death (1971)

Let’s Scare Jessica to Death
(1971) 89 min.
Rated: PG-13
Country: USA
Director: John D. Hancock
Stars: Zohra Lampert, Barton Heyman, Kevin O’Connor, Mariclare Costello
Links: IMDB | Wikipedia
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Let’s Scare Jessica…

Jessica, newly released from a mental facility, is not entirely if the threats she endures are imagined or real.

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